la edad de un escritor... madura, cambia, o sigue igual...
solo mas viejo y, claro, con mas experiencia
leo a Russell Banks. me gusta. He leido Affliction, The Sweet Hereafter y Rule of the Bone
ahora todos estan leyendo Continental Drift, en castellano, aca en Chile al menos
lei un libro de cuentos suyo Success Stories y me cautivo
hace un tiempo salio este libro THE ANGEL ON THE ROOF q junta todos sus cuentos... algunos francamente notables y tragticos y solitarios
al final Banks reflexiona
lo q uno ya capto, mas o menos: q todos fueron cortados con mas o menos la misma tijera
es decir, q un escritor no cambia tanto con el paso del tiempo
un exito? un fracaso? un error? como son las cosas no mas...?

As this book is published, I am turning sixty, and these stories represent the best work I have done in the form over the thirty-seven years since I began trying to write in prose- at least that´s my hope. Rereading them has been like visiting my past and all-but-forgotten selves, the man I was (and was not) in my twenties, thirties, forties, and so on. To my surprise, the youth who wrote “Searching for survivors”, one of the earliest of the stories included here, although a somewhat melancholy and self-dramatizing fellow, turns out to be not significantly different than the quickly aging man who wrote the most recent “Lobster Night”. I suppose that should comfort me, but in fact it does not. It is, however, why I have arranged these stories thematically and dramatically, rather than in chronological order or by the titles of the collections in which they originally appeared. Because I was, when young, in many crucial ways the same writer I am today, I have felt free to take the old stories and set them beside the new…
leo a Russell Banks. me gusta. He leido Affliction, The Sweet Hereafter y Rule of the Bone
ahora todos estan leyendo Continental Drift, en castellano, aca en Chile al menos
lei un libro de cuentos suyo Success Stories y me cautivo
hace un tiempo salio este libro THE ANGEL ON THE ROOF q junta todos sus cuentos... algunos francamente notables y tragticos y solitarios
al final Banks reflexiona
lo q uno ya capto, mas o menos: q todos fueron cortados con mas o menos la misma tijera
es decir, q un escritor no cambia tanto con el paso del tiempo
un exito? un fracaso? un error? como son las cosas no mas...?

As this book is published, I am turning sixty, and these stories represent the best work I have done in the form over the thirty-seven years since I began trying to write in prose- at least that´s my hope. Rereading them has been like visiting my past and all-but-forgotten selves, the man I was (and was not) in my twenties, thirties, forties, and so on. To my surprise, the youth who wrote “Searching for survivors”, one of the earliest of the stories included here, although a somewhat melancholy and self-dramatizing fellow, turns out to be not significantly different than the quickly aging man who wrote the most recent “Lobster Night”. I suppose that should comfort me, but in fact it does not. It is, however, why I have arranged these stories thematically and dramatically, rather than in chronological order or by the titles of the collections in which they originally appeared. Because I was, when young, in many crucial ways the same writer I am today, I have felt free to take the old stories and set them beside the new…

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