Sunday, September 03, 2006

85% de verdad...

Cada vez me seducen menos las novelas contemporaneas. O pocas. Ciertos autores... Acabo de terminar de leer KILLING YOURSELF TO LIVE, donde el crítico y periodista d cultura pop Chuck Klosterman recorre USA buscando los sitios donde murieron rockeros, pero en el fondo es una excusa para repasar su vida y las cosas que él he vivido y perdido inmerso en la cultura pop, es decir, en su propia vida. Me gusto el el detalle de q todo es 85% verdad, homenaje a Frey, sin duda. Es la manera de ver las cosas, creo. Es mejor q te cuenten algo con un 85% de verdad que algo que sea solo mentira...

Me tope con estas frases, frases q no esperaba en un libro así, lo que reafirma mi deseo e interés en leer esto de género hibrido y q es mas o menos en lo q estoy trabajando ahora.

"...(I was reminded) that a huge chunk of my life is completely over, even though I will probably live 60 more years. There are so many things that will never happen to me again, and I never even noticed when those things stopped occurring. And this does not mean I wish I had my old life back, because I like my new life better; I was just shocked to discover how much of what used to be central to my existence doesn´t matter to me anymore".

"What´s so disquieting to me is how this kind of life -a life of going to joyless keg parties and having intense temporary acquaintences and spending most of one´s time in basements and tint apartments and crappy rented houses with five bedrooms- was once my life completely. Those were the ony things I ever did.That wasn´t part of how I lived; that was everything. But now it´s like those experiences never happened at all. I can recall having conversations with people during college that would seem impossible today... ...But that used to be my life, all the time. That used to be normalcy, and now that normalcy is completely over. Things like that will never happen to me again, even if I want them to. And I did not choose to stop living that life, nor did I try to continue living that life. I just didn´t notice when it stopped....

...When you start thinking about what your life was like 10 years ago -and not in general terms, but in highly specific detail- it´s disturbing to realize how certain elements of your being are completely dead. They die long before you do. It´s astonishing to consider all the things from your past that used to happen all the time but (a) never happen anymore, and (b) never crossed your mind"

Antes leí su coleccion de ensayos Sex, Drugs and Coca Puffs y espero comprar en un proximo viaje Chuck Klosterman IV, que suena a album (supongo que esa es la idea) y donde se concentra en momentos cumbres y lastimosos de los ultimos años, ademas de desentrañar ciertas películas y discos.